I collect as much water as I can during the rain storms
When each season is supposed to occur seems to vary by who I talk to, but roughly the first rainy season starts in March and ends sometime in May. In June and July the heavy rains will slow down to a drizzle. Then August and September the rains will continue until finally in October the dry season begins and lasts until February.

Rain water collected in buckets is never clear and needs to be filtered before using
During the rainy season the dirt roads can become rivers of rushing water and sticky red mud is everywhere. It can be tough to keep the clothes and shoes I have spent so much trouble washing from being soiled once again. Also, with the rain it makes drying clothes that have been washed very difficult. It most cases they have to be dried on a line inside the house.

Water is collected in a large water tank from the gutters on the roof
I suppose the biggest downside to the rainy season is that the power tends to go out very frequently. I try to keep the laptop and cell phone charged, but even so, without recharging they don’t last very long. Also, without light the house tends to be very dark and there isn't much that can be by the dim light of a kerosene lantern.

Water can now be used from the tank
The best thing about the rainy season is that there are buckets and buckets of free water just falling from the sky. This means water for cooking, drinking, washing, showering, and, of course, toilet flushing. We may tend to take these things for granted in the States, but here in Kenya, they don’t always come so easy during the dry season.
I like the pictures from this post...particularly the one of the muddy waters. Very cool! I think you should create picture book when you return. (But you are so picky...it may take you 10 years to decide on which ones to use!)
God Bless!
It's true. I am very picky. Sometimes it's tough just to choose which pictures I use for the post. I might still be finishing this blog 10 years after I return!
God Bless,
Tim C.
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